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Jangan Minum Berlebihan, Ini Manfaat dan Risiko Minum Air Es bagi Kesehatan

Jangan Minum Berlebihan, Ini Manfaat dan Risiko Minum Air Es bagi Kesehatan
Ilustrasi air dingin. Credit: Freepik

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Drinking cold water is frequently related to the flu or colds. A lot of parents restrict their children from drinking cold water because they are scared it will trigger the disease. However, drinking cold water offers some health benefits.


Is drinking cold water a risk to your health?

Drinking cool drinks in hot weather is definitely refreshing. However, for some people, drinking cold water causes a number of health issues. According to Medical News Today, Ayurvedic medicine states that drinking cold water might cause an imbalance in the body and disrupt the digestive process.

However, according to Western medicine, there is not enough study evidence to conclude that drinking cold water can affect digestion. Drinking water can help drain toxins out of the body, avoid constipation, and enhance the digestive system.

A 2013 study evaluated the impact of drinking water at different temperatures on participants who became dehydrated after exercising in hot and humid weather. According to this study, drinking water at a temperature of 16 °C is the best way to prevent dehydration.

Drinking warm or cold water has its advantages and disadvantages. If you have a cold, toothache, or headache, drinking cold water can make your symptoms worse. However, in some cases, drinking cold water can help relieve pain in the throat.

Read more: Alert, Dehydration Turns Out To Trigger Anxiety


Risks of drinking cold water for health

When you have a cold, flu, or a clogged nose, it is common advice to avoid drinking cold water. This statement is not without cause; multiple studies have found that drinking cold water during the flu may impede the healing process.


Drinking cold water may cause the following risks:


Increases mucus thickness during the flu

According to a study, drinking cold water thickens nasal mucus, making it more difficult for it to move through the respiratory tract. That is why, when you have the flu or a cold, it is best to consume or drink warm water to help you eliminate mucus.


Triggers migraines

According to research from 2001, drinking cold drinks may worsen headaches in people who have a history of migraines. If you have migraines or other headaches, consume plenty of warm water to relieve the pain rapidly.


Worsens the condition of achalasia

Achalasia is a condition in which the body has difficulties moving food through the esophageal tract. A study found that drinking cold water might worsen this condition.

Read more: What Is The Color Of Urine That Shows Dehydration Like?


Benefits of drinking cold water for health

Drinking cold water is not always harmful for your health; in some cases, drinking cold water has a number of benefits, including the following:


Improves bodily endurance during activity

Do you frequently see someone drinking cold water while working out? It turns out that drinking cold water before working out helps both boost physical endurance and lower body temperature resulting from activity.

A study found that males who drink cold water while cycling improve their endurance and stamina.


Helps lose weight

It is additionally stated that drinking cold water may help you lose weight. According to Healthline, drinking water can help you burn more calories since it forces your body to work harder to maintain a regular temperature. However, you cannot just drink cold water to lose weight.

There are advantages and disadvantages to drinking hot or cold water for your health. You can consume both, depending on your preferences and health condition.

Consuming excessive amounts of cold water during a cold or flu may disrupt the body's natural healing process. If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more tips and tricks for health, first aid, and home remedies? Click here!

Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Selasa, 25 Juni 2024 | 09:50